

by Alison Russell -
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Currently there is a higher than usual workload for the ambulance service within Auckland.  This is on the back of the usual high workload that is expected at this time of year, as well as a high level of people leaving the area/resigning, therefore reducing the number of people able to crew ambulances. COVID has complicated this issue, and patients are having to wait longer for ambulances than ever before.

The most important thing that our organisation can do is to recruit more staff to assist those that are still on the front line, and ensure those that are still working have support networks available to them to help them through this high workload phase.

Response to this issue has been a request has been sent to other regions within New Zealand, and trained staff that can come and assist for a short time, therefore supporting crews on the ground.  However, this brings its own logistical issues - costs associated with relocating staff (transport and accommodation), training for area-specific idiosyncrasies (how long it will take to get staff up to speed, and whether by the time these staff are up to speed, will the workload actually still be there to require the extra staff).

The advantage of this process is that it will help in the long run should there be another situation that is similar, as learnings can be gained from previous experience, allowing for ?less disruption/planning/processing in the future.