7. Case Study: Queensland Floods

7.1. Topic 7, Activity 1

Discussion Forum

After watching the video on the previous page, take a moment to consider the following questions and post your responses into the 'Response or Recovery Challenges' forum. 

Tip: right click on any hyperlink in the course and 'open in new window' so that you don't have to close the page your on to access the hyperlinked content.

Questions to consider for this discussion: 

  1. What are the most serious hazards your community (or organisation) faces?
  2. How would your community (or organisation) respond to the most significant hazard now?
  3. What issues would come from that Response or Recovery?

**Note: Although the activities in this course are not mandatory, they will prepare you to complete the certificate of achievement exam, if you elect to challenge it at the end of the course.